Grey Hawk Art Gallery

All of these pictures are my works - save for many of the bases

Ah, no science fiction story is complete with out some pictures to show you what the heck I am describing. I will upload new ones as  I please. To the immediate right is the adult Grey Hawk.

Shique and Domi - gypsies
Grand Elder Nariz Tha'naka

Sha'ula - a female Shinbatokin and one heck of a fire ball
Jade Fraushine - Nariz's servant girl, her twin (Miri-Ani) look just like her except that her hair is brown

Seyru - Grey Hawk's trusted butler and friend
A close up shot of a Shinbat sword, used by Shinbatokin - the elite of the Grec

A Grec Shrine
Shinneko - he is always spying in on the Council and Palace going ons; nobody pays him any mind unless he actually steps in and says his peace - that is because he reports to the Imperial Throne ...

Grec Heirarchy - this is the simplified version, believe me, it can be more complicated
Kokoro - guardian of the Eden Gem, first official Kristu (Christian) shrine keeper

Eden Gem - a mysterious jewel that resembles Earth which is refered to Eden
A kiltorian - imperial assassin dragons ... highly inteligiant, powerful, and deadly

(c) Esther R Barnett 2004-2005