What the ...?

A short guide to understanding the story (or more than you ever wanted to know about the Grec)


This is the not-so-complete but one and only official online “guide book” to Grey Hawk the Great. Here it is, all redone from the first two sites and my private files and imagination. It is subject to change as I am still in the creative stages.

Grec Social Class System

The bottom rung of the culture: Black Manes

  • always have black manes
  • come in a variety of fur colors
  • either are slaves or decended from slaves - excepting for the ocasional exceptions

The next rung, not far from the bottom: Brown Manes

  • always have brown manes
  • come in a variety of fur colors
  • mostly farmers and other low class workers (blue collar by today's standards)

After the Brown Manes: Bronze Manes

  • always have bronze manes
  • come in a variety of fur colors (mid to dark color range)
  • mostly merchants and tradesmen

Next: Red and Gold Manes

  • either redheaded or blonde
  • come in a more limited variety of colors - mostly light colors (like humans)
  • aristocracy

Finally: Solielites

  • Hahaha! These guys break the mold as they are a mix of at least the three of the major FOFAF species (there is an estimated 200+). You can only tell by the wing feathers - every feather has a rainbow pattern - they may have a black, silver, gold (maybe all three or combination of two) bands
  • quite varied in fur color, but the fur color is dependent on the mane coloring - most are red/gold maned
  • nobility and royalty


First, a quick look at the planet as this will give you an idea of the environment in which the Grec live. This is a planet of extremes and so are its inhabitants.


The Valley of Bones

Summary: A deadly expanse of dessert that is very hot and dry – hence the Valley of Bones; it swaths across the largest continent of Kraakia, right over the equator. It owes its existence to a 36 hr day, a yellow giant sun, and equatorial location.

Record High: 178 degrees Fahrenheit

Average temperature: 100 degrees in the winter and 140 degrees in the summer

Average Annual Rainfall: -2 inches

Record Rainfall: 2 feet (This happens about every 200 or so years)

Notes: It is framed by two mountain ranges: Northern Dulcia, and Southern Dulcia. There is, in spite of the extremes, life in this death trap. More on that in the book and in this guide later.


Twin Moons

Summary: The larger of the two moons is the size of earth and the smaller is the size of our moon.

Name of Larger Moon: Ma-Luna

Name of Smaller Moon: Mewl-Luna

Note: There is a breathable atmosphere on Ma-Luna, though only those who actually visit it know why. The Mewl-Luna is rich with rare minerals and metals. Mewl-Luna orbits Ma-Luna as it orbits Kraakia.


The Poles

Summary: Both caps are ice locked all year round and have two settings freezing and Frozen.

Average Winter Temperature: -20 degrees Fahrenheit

Record Low: -200 degrees Fahrenheit

There is more, but I will save it for the book or until I feel like updating this section. After all, I am not a scientist, nor do I have the time to make up more.



Ok. It is not your usual culture, but there is a story behind it. The females are in charge and the males do the domestic thing as well as hunt and the territorial thing.

There’s also the slavery thing. I want to make something very clear – as I have stated in chapter 2 – I hate slavery, but I am making a point in the story; that is one thing: slavery is cruel, even in the best circumstances. It may be prescribed by law, war, or birth. All such cases play in Grec society.


Their government and religion are intertwined in a way that only the king or queen may declare laws that affect the shrines, and yet the government may not control it. This is simply explained in that it is the same situation as described of the Japanese reverence for their emperor before the Mejii era. Grey Hawk, when he becomes aware of this is very uncomfortable and begins making changes.


Their culture and religious beliefs are even more intertwined; from the removal of shoes before entering a house to polite mice-tea sips to even warfare, their beliefs stem from a great respect of nature, others, and spiritual matters. I will tell more about that in a separate section.


Most Grec homes are in huge woven trees, pre-existing caves, and the occasional stone building. What else can be said of that?



Hmmm … where to begin?

To put it in short, their religions parallel several human religions. There are technically 5 religions among the Grec – but the practices of the traditional religion tend to separate it out into 3 factions. The other religions were introduced.

The percentages reflect the percent of the population that follows it – the first one for before Grey Hawk and the other by the end of the saga.


Traditional Religion (75%/45%)


Shindo-bekken is the full name given to differentiate it from the introduced religions. It is broken up into 3 different groups as described below. The one thing that they all have in common is that the central belief is around spiritual forces and natural elements.


Tricunata (55%/20%)

It focuses on a trinity of natural spirits – Forest, Water, and Sky. It is a generally peaceful sect. This also plays on three of the different species of Grec and is only followed by such.


Hurunactesh (25%/0.5%)

The focus is on spirits of war, power, and destruction. It is a bloody sect and, until the social changes implemented by Grey Hawk the Great, there was even the case of sacrifices of intelligent beings – that includes captured enemies, slaves, and lured free Grec. They have a tendency to choose a Viruntesh or “chosen warrior” to slay as many enemies in war as he/she can and if necessary to die in battle.


Shihun (20%/80%)

This is a quiet sect that focuses on one main spirit that is said to rule all spirits. They don’t partake of the noisy ceremonies of the Tricunata, nor do they participate in the bloody sacrifices of the Hurunactesh – sacrificing small animals occasionally.


Nontraditional (25%55%)

***All of these were introduced by allies and travelers.***


Mosul (11%/1%)


Here’s the main focus: Male dominance, aggressiveness to outsiders, and intense studies. They keep mostly to themselves but there are extreme sects that are as violent as the Hurunactesh, but with out sacrifices. The extremist are noted for suicidal attacks and terrorism. Their respect for the throne is all that keeps the extremists from attacking government figures and property.


Kristu (14%/81%)


This is a peaceful, monotheistic religion that focuses on a triune God. Evangelism and personal holiness is the major focus. The holiest figure is named Jesukristu.


Bubu (25%/6%)

It varies from region to region. Some followers are monotheistic, and others are polytheistic. It runs on the idea of a reincarnation cycle in which one’s enlightenment and deeds determine where one ends up in society and if one will eventually make it out of the cycle into heaven.


Nanac (50%/12%)

It is polytheistic and centers on thousands of gods without a main deity. It is very complicated ...

A basic Grec/English dictionary (subject to change)

Kuk (CUCK)- nasty, filthy, gross (added hiss at the end - especially nasty)

G'mor (guh-MORE)- good morning

G'da (guh-DAH)- good day

G'nacht (guh-NOCK)- good night

Mewl/Mewling/Joey - infant (0-2)

Cub - child (2-9)

Nerlen - adolescent (10-19)

Mer - adult (20+)

Nunak - Untranslatable, an insult that is treated like a cuss word

Kuknunak - Untranslatable, an insult that is treated like a cuss word

Shiniaquin/Shanoquoq - Untranslatable, an insult that is treated like a cuss word

Roja - princess

Rojo - prince

Jerukai - Lower Court judge ... judges "local" cases within a kingdom

Jerukon - Upper Court judge ... equivilent to a Supreme Court judge

(c) Esther Barnett 2004-2005